swim bro® ACADEMY
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The swim bro ® Academy came about because we, as swimming coaches, have experienced that training and further education courses often lack practical relevance.
30 years and countless experiences and personalities of all ages in the water in the indoor pool, lake and sea have flowed into the product and concept swim bro ® .
We offer these experiences, adventures and proven teaching methods in day courses.
The swim bro team is also available after the courses, if you have any questions or uncertainties, we are always there for YOU. An important service - indispensable at the beginning in practice and an important support.
Content: concept swim bro ® , guidelines or complete lesson plan with non-swimmers & beginners, exercises with the swim bro ® in children's courses and adult courses, swim bro assistance with water therapy, how do I offer a crash course with the accompaniment of the digital swimming course.

Participants: Swimming coaches, swimming athletes, physiotherapists and ergotherapists, midwives, teachers of all school levels with a sporting background
9.9.2022 Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Course location Innsbruck, indoor swimming pool Amraserstraße
22.10.2022 Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Innsbruck, indoor swimming pool Amraserstraße
290 euros (net) including training material, instructional videos, marketing package
+ Free parking all day
+ 7 euros entry to the indoor pool/practical exercises in the water
+ 10 euros for the lunch menu incl. drink/joint lunch
Prerequisite: helper and/or rescuer certificate. These can be done at the Youth Red Cross, the water rescue service and at sports universities.
Individual courses in Europe in the languages DE, EN and IT in an indoor pool of your choice on request!
Anfängerschwimmen, 4-8 Jahren
Fallbeispiele-Nichtschwimmer Gruppen
Leitfaden und Gruppenstundenbilder
Mit den Gruppen-Sicherheit im und am Wasser
Ablauf einer Kursplanung -und Organisation
begleitete Praxisarbeit im Wasser
Theorie mit umfangreicher Schulungsmappe
Unterstützung von Anfang an bis zum selbstständigen Unterrichten
Module 1 bis 5
Modul 1, zwei Tage
(1 Wochenende)
Kostet: 349 Euro
Module 1- 3 sechs Tage
(3 Wochenenden)
Kostet: 942 Euro
in 3 Raten zahlbar (3mal 314 €)
& AusbildnerIn
Modul 1- 5 acht Tage
(4 Wochenenden)
Kostet: 1.116 Euro
in 4 Raten zahlbar (4mal 279 €)
DU hast Fragen?
Wir beraten DICH gerne!
Ich freue mich auf euch! Eure Kursleiterin Amy Lilli Jagua Speer