Explore the swimming area beforehand: where do we put our bathing bag? Where are showers and toilets? Is there a lifeguard and first aid station? Where can you still stand in the water and where is it deeper? Children in particular feel good when they can get to know their surroundings better. Security and thus a feeling of well-being is given when the non-swimmer does not experience any surprises when learning to swim. If everything is discussed in advance and everything is looked at closely, the swimming beginner is ready to get involved in learning.
After the shower we start - please find a place where everyone can stand:
To start, sit on the edge of the pool and let your legs dangle in the water. Grab and feel the water with your hands. Wet your face again with the water.
Lift smaller children into the water and carry them on the swim bro and through the water and put them back on the edge.
Hold larger children tightly by the hands, lead the swim bro under the armpits in the water.

1.1 Feel comfortable
Showering before swimming is very important. On the one hand, this is for hygienic reasons, on the other hand, you prepare your body for the water. Alternately stretch your legs under the water jet and get a feeling of water. Then wash your hands in the shower and finally your head and face. Of course there are some children who don't like it that much, in this case a little story usually helps. For example, that some food still sticks to the mouth and has to be washed off before the little fish in the water want to lick it.

1.2 Getting used to the water
If you feel good, you can breathe more calmly, which is why the exercises for feeling good and getting used to the water are so important. With proper breathing, the body stays relaxed and there is room for concentration - ready to learn new things.
Bend your knees with the swim bro in shallow water so that only your head is sticking out of the water. "Blow into the water together from above" so that the water moves - your hands stay on the swim bro.
Put your face in the water and blow air out of your mouth - hands always remain on the swim bro.
Your child lies on the swim bro and you slowly pull it through the water, blowing into the water again and again.

1.3 Breathing
2.1 ARM TECHnique
You get a safe feeling when swimming with the correct arm technique. The arms and elbows should be stretched out.
For children it is usually easier to understand with the designation bow and arrow. The arm technique can also be divided into 3 steps:
1. Stretch your arms out in front and fingertips point in front of you.
2. Turn hands outwards.
3. pushing the water down and backwards in an arc.
Further exercises: clap your hands to understand that the water should be pushed away noticeably (as it fills up with clapping, it should feel similar to swimming on your hands). Again and again show the arm movements while sitting at the edge of the pool, because in the water the fingers are pushed apart by the water and letting the fingers together has to be practiced. Hanging on the swim bro, then carry out the arm movement in the water - the legs are usually still very uncoordinated or stiff - therefore stabilize the hips a little.

2.1 Arm Technique
2.2 Leg Technique
If the leg technique, the so-called "frog legs" are shown correctly from the beginning, a safe swimming style can be learned. Half movements take a lot of strength, because you have to move twice as fast for the same distance. Stretched legs have to be practiced in particular, as the body tension in children is usually not very well developed. Pull your legs towards your stomach, tip your feet sideways and stretch your legs back to push the water away vigorously. You can also practice this very well at the edge of the pool or on the meadow, as you can watch your own legs well. Back in the water it's all about "feeling". Leaning the child in the water on the swim bro, you can guide the legs from behind with your hands and pay attention to the correct technique.

2.2 Leg Technique
2.3 Coordination & Balance
Now only go into the water with the middle part. Thus the swim bro gives less water buoyancy. Now slowly try arm and leg breaststroke movements together. Now the body has to keep its balance, move arms and legs together rhythmically and learn to coordinate. If it's still a bit difficult at first, no problem - just go through the following steps again at your leisure:
1. Only start with the arm technique (breaststroke) and push the swim bro under the armpits to secure it. In this way, security can be regained.
2. Then practice the “frog legs” leg technique again separately. Your hands remain on the swim bro for protection.
Even with a good swimmer, the body occasionally tilts to one side. That's not good, because 1. you can't breathe properly 2. joints are stressed on one side 3. it's much harder for the water to move away = it's best to teach your child everything right and healthy right away
Please make sure that you are in a good position during all exercises! Arms and legs are always stretched while swimming! Rhythmic breathing helps to glide safely and powerfully through the water! Always use the swim bro to help you keep your body straight, even experienced swimmers can train very well with swim bro!
Always use the swim bro for help and stabilization during the exercises.

2.3 Coordination & Balance; 3.1 Posture
3.2 Use step 1&2 consciously
Now we are close to our goal! Repeat all exercises again, correcting only one mistake step by step. Pay attention to perfection, what has been learned should be completed as successfully as possible. A messy movement can also be playful later, but the correct and therefore safe swimming technique can then be called up again at any time. Anyone who has learned to swim properly has saved it for eternities. With photos or short videos you can also record your learning success and watch it again together. If necessary, repeat one or the other exercise to perfect the technique. Of course we would also be very happy if you would let us participate and send your successes in pictures or videos.

3.2 Use steps 1 and 2 consciously
You can swim now, congratulations, we are so proud of you! Now see how far you can swim together. First 5 meters, then 10 meters. The focus should be on the correct swimming technique that you have learned together. Swim step by step as far as you have strength and desire. Try everything again and really celebrate success in the water. After all, an important chapter in your life has been successfully completed. Now you can move safely in the water and enjoy going for a swim. From now on, water fun will be a top priority! We will continuously expand the videos on our platform and show you more exercises and training options.